Sports have always meant a lot to me. In my entire life I have done something with sports. Some I found funnier than others, but I have always been active. I have played soccer, handball, athletics, skating and cross-country skiing. The only sport I have continued with is handball.
I like doing sports because I can be in activity. It is a great opportunity to train and stay in shape. I think it is boring to go training by myself, like jogging in the forest. And when I play handball, which is a team sport, I meat other people and train together with them.

I am also a competitive person. Small events and tasks in my daily life can easily become a competition, and of course I hate losing. By doing a sport I get to compete, and the feeling after I have done a great job or won a game is great. It is even greater when I can share that felling with my friends.

That is why I love sports!